Monday, July 25, 2011

Bye bye Jeff bye bye food

So my husband left a week ago and our house went through a TON of changes this past week.

To start with I got rid of all the food Jeff ate. All the chips and the candy/chocolate, all the salty food and all the non Jenny food. Don't worry I didn't just throw it out I gave it to my dad. Not all this food is bad for you but it's not Jenny food and I'm on a mission.

After getting that food out of my house I thought I should get other things causing me stress out of my house too. I cleaned my garage and the whole basement. I went through clothes and closets that haven't been touched in over a year. It wasn't that all this needed to be done with in a week but you hold on to your weight because you have stress or you eat unhealthy because you have stress or raw unhappy. I figured with Jeff leaving that would give me enough stress so I should eliminate all other stressers.

So with a clean house and only Jenny food in the freezer I. Off to a good week.....I'm down 3 pounds and on my way to reaching my goal!!

I wanted to just put a note out there.....

Congratulations to Megan Hebel for join Jenny and losing 8.something pounds on her first week...stick with it.

Too all out there you don't have to do Jenny but if you want to get healthy just do something!

Stay happy stay healthy!


  1. AW JENNA!
    A.) I'm really inspired by you and all the de-stressing you've done! I think that's what I need to do next week when M is at daycare
    B.) Thank you so much for the shout out! It means a lot! I'm really loving the program so far!

  2. Way to go, Jenna! Eliminating your stress surely will help ... a clean house, 'Jeff' foods gone, a straightened-up garage, working out (doing the 'Current Challenge' with me!), and eating healthy with Jenny C! All good things. Yay, Jenna! Congrats on the 3-pound weight loss. Way to go!
